Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 12 - Loosely Summer

"Loosely Summer"
6 x 6" oil over copper acrylic primed Gessobord
Day 12 of 30 in 30 Challenge
So tired today, but didn't want to NOT paint.  So I decided to paint a loose landscape just to get the feel of paint under my brush (new brushes.)  I rarely paint landscapes, mostly because I'm an indoor girl.  I admire the plein air painters, but I need a Starbucks coffee close by, which also requires a restroom close by.  I don't like cold, heat or bugs.  Thusly, I paint still life.  I really need some new inspiration for still life though.  Going to spend the day on Etsy looking for really cool still life objects.

I do like how this turned out, especially with the little bit of copper showing through. I've also done some light scratching in the shadows to allow a little bit more of the copper to emerge.


Donna Grandin said...

Hi Cynthia, I'm with you on the tiredness factor at this point of the 30 in 30 challenge. I think I need to pick simpler subjects so that I can work faster! Your idea of painting with a copper background sounds intriguing.

Unknown said...

This is just lovely! well done!