Thursday, December 29, 2011

No Mucho Mojo...

"Lemon Alone" 4 x 4 Oil on Gessobord
Maybe it's the warm temperatures (mid 50's) or the wind (feels like mid-50's) or just the end of the year, but my mojo is lagging.  So I picked something simple today, colorful but simple.  I set up my trusty little lemon from my "studio fruit bag" in the fridge, put it on orange construction paper, and painted away.  June thought I was just getting started when I finished the lemon, little did she know I was done and headed home for a nap!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Green Bottle...and Goal Work

"Green Bottle and Orange Slice" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Worked hard to finish this up today.  June and I took some time to talk about what transpired and goals for 2012.

Each of us took on the challenge to list our achievements in 2011 as it relates to our art (producing, marketing and education).  We also listed some things we would like to achieve in 2012...very inspirational and motivational.  I'm so blessed to be sharing the studio with June.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Orange Slices...Two Paintings...Almost

"Orange Slices" 4 x 4 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase Painting
We had a lovely Christmas Eve, and a very quiet Christmas Day.  The orange slices are left over from our fruit tray.....they were just too pretty to eat.  This was a quickie to get me back in the mood to paint.

I also started this painting today but got tired about half way through.  I wanted to get the orange in before the lights made it shrivel up.  I will be finishing it up on Wednesday.

"Green Bottle and Orange" Work in Progress
6 x 6" Oil on Gessobord

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Art and Opinion I alive?

"Sunset" 9 x 12 Pastel on panel
"Sunset" is featured today on the Art and Opinion blog, an educational non-profit blog about art images and well known artists that mostly are already dead. Did I pass on and noone told me?? I've been re-blogged from that site to some hip young creative blogs. Grandma has life in her yet! OK, I'm still alive.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More Cranberries and a Bushel Basket of Snow

"Holiday Pear and Cranberries" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Big snow a comin' tonight!  Up to 12" for our area west of Denver.  So got my little self into the studio today and painted what else?  More cranberries..I love these little critters they are so cute.

I was trying to paint a little differently today....picking up a brush full of paint and laying it down then leaving it alone.  That didn't work out so looks alot like my other technique of smushing it around 'til I'm happy. 

I'm happy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lime and Cranberries...Coming Up on a Year!

"Lime and Cranberries" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
I love these cranberries!  I bought a bag of them yesterday and they are just so happy and colorful.  They'll probably end up in a few more paintings before I move on to something else.

Looking back through my photos and records, I find I am coming up on the first anniversary of my first daily painting.  What a great discipline this has been and I will be forever grateful to those collectors who have purchased my work and kept me going.  I've painted over 165 paintings so that averages out to about 3 paintings a week.  I'm proud of that!  All but about 25 of them have already found homes all over the US, Canada and Australia.

Can't wait to see what the second year of daily paintings brings.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lemon and Cranberries from Life

"Lemon and Cranberries" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase Painting

I had such fun painting the apple on Monday with much looser brushwork, I thought I would try it again.  Lately I had been doing my setups but then photographing them...which I find makes for much tighter painting on my part.

So Monday's apple and today's painting were painted directyly from the set up in my little black box in the studio.  It's a much different experience and results ins a much different painting approach.  Will stick with this for awhile....just because it's just so darn much fun!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Apple Vibes and Christmas Music

"Apple Vibes" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord

I started a painting earlier this morning, it's a 6 x 6 with quite a bit more detail than I'm used to...but it's time to stretch a bit.

So after getting that painting started and put up to dry, I decided to do something loose and fun.  So with a little Christmas music and some dancing around and having fun....I ended up with "Apple Vibes".  So fun to paint when you don't have to stay in the lines!

Now I'm going to go home and eat my apple model for lunch.  Ciao....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tequila Wanted

"Tequila Wanted" 4 x 4 Oil on Gessobord
We've had our two year old granddaughter two days this week.  Grandma's draggin'!  So I need to paint something simple today.  There's always a good old lime!

Next week I'll be working on a larger piece and probably post in working stages...stay tuned!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Higbee Exhibit and Artists Statements

Photo of one of the exhibit groupings from Randy Higbee 6" Squared Exhibit
My painting is top middle
What a fun Awards Ceremony was held on Facebook last night.  The winners were announced via  Randy Higbee's FB page real time.  A lot of folks "gathered" and as the awards were posted we were able to make comments and congratulate our favorite artists.  All of the winners produced amazing work.  I'm going to start painting now for the spring show!!


The following is an exercise from Molly Gordons' article on creating an artist statement: (It's a fill in the blank exercise and my answers are in red)

When I work with oils  I am reminded that I love brushwork and texture.
I begin a piece by setting up a still life with classical lighting.
I know a piece is done when I feel I can reach out and touch the objects.
When my work is going well, I am filled with a sense of relief and exhilaration (OK maybe a little self judgement).
When people see my work, I'd like them to sense the beauty and drama of everyday objects.

This is definitely harder than it looks...I'm going to cogitate on these answers for a few days. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Oranges on White Plate"
Back in the studio today....aaaaahhh!  This is how the umber underpainting in my last post finished up.  It was my first time painting orange slices, and white "anything" always throws me for a loop.  But I'm halfway pleased with how it turned out.

Onward and Upward....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mysteries..Unfinished Paintings and Artists Statements

As Yet Unamed Work in Progress
Underpainting in Burnt Umber
6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord

I've been working at home for the last week, between snow, bitter cold, and ice...I can't make myself leave the house.  I'm not as productive at home as I am in the studio, but I have managed to finish one 6 x 6 (sold) and started another (above).  It's a bit of a mystery right now, eh?

Who has taken the time to write a really super artist statement?  Let's see the hands...anyone? Anyone?  I was asked to write one in less than a day for the Randy Higbee Fall 6" Squared Exhibit in Costa Mesa.  What I submitted was a concoction on the fly of a past interview and how I was feeling that day.

Here is what I sheepishly submitted:
Artist Statement: In my approach the work comes first then the concepts. I don't wait for inspiration, my inspiration comes from just painting. Working mostly in still life I start by arranging objects, classically lighting them (from the left), and moving them about until the lighting creates an abstract structure. It's not about the objects for me, it's about how the light reveals the form, separating the scene into light and dark structures. It's the drama of the scene I crave, not so much to render an apple (or any object) correctly.

I've been sleepless at night since then thinking about artists statements...and have been reading artists statements.  I'm not talking about a bio, or a CV (resume), or testimonials....just a good old solid, true and real artist statement.

Here are a couple of really good articles I found on the internet and will be tackling a new artist statement in the next week.  I'll share some of my thoughts and work as I go along.  Hopefully this will inspire you to take a look at yours or even think about having one.

How to Write an Artist Statement by

How to Write and Use an Artist Statement by Molly Gordon

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Snow Day..and Apples

"A Slice of Red", 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Woke up this morning to a beautiful fluffy 6" of snow.  Good thing I brought home my painting supplies yesterday.  Cleared off the dining room table and had a good old time painting.  It's always a good feeling to produce a painting, so you hate to go too long without doing so.

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Couple of Good Things!

"Strawberry on Plate" 9 x 9 Colored Pencil over Oil on panel
Ann Kullberg, "Queen of Everything Colored Pencil" and my first cp idol, has just posted her 2011 Theme Show.  My painting above is right at the top of the exhibit.

As of yesterday, my pastel and colored pencil paintings can be seen at Sharp Art Gallery, an online gallery which has some wonderfully talented artists.  Very pleased to be accepted to the gallery.

"Lemons and Blue Glass" 12 x 18, Pastel on Wallis paper

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tomato Harvest Finished

Finished "Tomato Harvest" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Finally finished the tomato painting today.  It will be framed and delivered next week after it dries. I hope they will like it.  That's the thing about commissions that I don't like....managing expectations.
But this is a delightful couple who asked me to paint this and I couldn't say no.  I'll let you know their reaction.

Here are the two previous posts: one and two

Big snowstorm coming tonight, may have to work on pastels at home tomorrow!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Finished Pear and Red Ribbon

"Pear and Red Ribbon" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase Painting
Redid the photo on 11/30/11...the other was not a good pic
Cloudy, windy day with mailings and computer pickups.  So little time to really paint.  Lunch was fabulous...June brought in homemade turkey vegetable soup.  Off to snuggle with my blankie on the couch now.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beginnings of Pear and Red Ribbon

Work in Progress "Pear and Red Ribbon" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord

This is the burnt umber underpainting for a new 6 x 6" that I started yesterday.  As those of you who have seen my work before you know I almost always start with an underpainting if I am working in the light/shadow approach to painting.  Once I lay some burnt umber down, I start working with a paper towel to adjust the values.  You can also see the pencil grid in the white space of the pear, this helped me to get the ribbon shapes in the right place.

Since this won't be painted all in one sitting, I took a big mop brush and softened all the brush srokes and edges.  This will eliminate for me, fighting dried ridges in the next layers. 

The pear is yellow green and red, and the ribbon is red.  I think it will be very appropriate for the holidays.  Watch for the finish!

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Response to Black Friday

"Brighter Days" 4 x 4 Oil on Gessobord
I really dislike the term "Black Friday" about as much as I dislike shopping.  I'd rather be in the studio painting any day.  This little colorful painting is my response to the term "Black".

Thanksgiving was lovely, my son's mother-in-law hosted dinner at her home.  She is an exquisite hostess and had invited my other son and his family, all eight of them, to join us.  We had 16 people total and four of them were little girls, so precious.  They all played together and were so polite.  Thank goodness we got out of there without any leftovers.  I tried to be very good and not overeat, and I succeeded. 

Now the onward march to Christmas!  Let's see if I can get out of cooking for that one too.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Randy Higbee Gallery and Me!

Earlier this year I set my sights on entering this exhibit.  Some of my favorite artists have been in the past shows. The gallery has a 6 x 6 exhibit in April and again in December.  Pictured is the invitation to the exhibit.

I entered three pieces, and didn't expect to get in given the beautiful paintings that are always featured as part of the exhibit. 

Lo and behold, last week I got notice that one of my paintings, "Strawberries and Blue Bowl" was accepted.  I'm now starting to prepare for April's exhibit (big smile).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Red Pear and King Soopers

"Red Pear" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase Painting
Stopped in my local King Soopers this morning to pick up a prescription and I could hear the new crop of red pears calling to me across the store.  I thought putting them on a green surface would make the sort of holiday-ish. 

Underpainting for "Red Pear"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pear on Blue Plate 4 x 4 Oil

"Pear on Blue Plate" 4 x 4 Oil on Gessobord
  A little James Taylor and some good company (June) and it was a productive day painting today!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Time for a Change

My blog has been up and running since 2007.  It started as "Color On" which featured my colored pencil work, then I merged my textile blog "In Stitches" with it, as one blog was enough to keep track of.

Next my one and only blog became "Littleton Studio" which was fitting because I worked out of my home in Littleton, CO.  The textile/fabric posts went away entirely because I became too busy with my artwork.  I had begun studying pastels with Deborah Bays and my blog posts were all about my pastel work.

In March 2010 my blog became "Golden Point One" because my studio moved into a funky little motel space in Golden, CO with June Davis.  I'm still in Golden at the studio with June and will be for as long as we can make it work...we love having a studio together.  Last December my blog took a distinctive turn to daily painting.

But it is now time for another change. I'm going to change the name of my blog (and the look).  My blog will now become just me "Cynthia Haase Fine Art". I'm also changing the template of my blog to lighten the black background to something a bit less contrast-y. 

Because you can't have a blog post without a picture, I'll share this caricature of me.
It was drawn by colored pencil artist, Debra Yaun, at the Dallas Convention July 2011.

I hope you have enjoyed the ride.  As I told my mom the other night on the phone (she's 82 and very spunky)..."I'm not winding down as I get older, I'm winding up for a wild ride to the end."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Work on Tomato Harvest

"Tomato Harvest" Almost Finished
6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord

More work today on the commission for a friend, "Tomato Harvest".  All that's left is work on the leaves and stems and a few touch-ups here and there.  I hope they will be pleased with it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Red Grapes Finished

"Red Grapes" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase Painting
Finished up the light on the red grapes this morning.  That's the good news...otherwise, I was a big "cranky crab" this morning.  Poor June,  she left early!  Can't say that I blame her.  (Actually she had another commitment!)

Tomorrow will be better...won't it?

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Start of Red Grapes

"Red Grapes" Underpainting

"Red Grapes" First Layers of Color
Didn't get much painting done today...too many Monday emails and start of the week stuff!  But I did get a good start on these "Red Grapes" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord.  As you can see the first photo is my sketch/underpainting.  The second photo shows my efforts to paint the darks and to get the mid-tones in.  What's left is to paint the light!

Once I painted the first layers, and knowing I won't be able to get back to this until Wednesday, I took a big  mop brush and softened all the edges on the grapes.  I didn't want any paint ridges to cause me problems when I begin to paint the light later this week.  I can reestablish edges in the next layers.

Tomorrow is our beautiful two year old granddaughter, Emma's, day at Papa and Wanga's.  Nothing gets done except playing on Tuesdays.

Friday, November 11, 2011

What Do I Do When I Don't Paint?

"Sunset" 9 x 12 pastel on board
being delivered to the Littleton "Own an Original" Show and Sale today

"Strawberries in Blue Bowl" 6 x 6 being shipped to
Randy Higbee Gallery in Costa Mesa, CA
for the 6" Squared Exhibit and Sale
I frame, deliver and ship paintings.  I also am the President and Marketing/Outreach person for Lakewood Arts Council, serving Jefferson County in CO.   My duties are to maintain the website, blog, and Facebook page.

I just took over on November 1st as the President of the national organization, Colored Pencil Society of America.  Previously I had been the Membership Director for five years.

Finding time to paint is basically carving time out and being committed to it, and on the days I don't paint make sure my activities are art-related.

And yes, it's cheaper than therapy!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Tropical Heat Wave!

"Mandarin Orange" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord
Well after painting in the frozen tundra yesterday, we have heat today.  A little too much heat, we have the door open today, and my mandarin orange came out looking a little like it's in south Florida.

At least I won't go home with a headache like I did yesterday.  I never did get warm at home and finally took aspirin and went to bed.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tomato Harvest and Brrrrr.......

Underpainting for "Tomato Harvest" 
First Colors Applied
"Tomato Harvest" Work in Progress
6 x 6" Oil on Gessobord

This is a commission I was asked to paint for a friend's son who is an extraordinary tomato grower.  I'm showing you the underpainting which has been done for about a month so it was good and dry.  And then I started working on the color today.  No reason to wait that long in between, just had to get my tomato "mojo" going.

No heat in the studio's a long story which I don't have time to tell.  Let's just say I needed to paint fast and find a warm spot for coffee.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Apple a Day Project

"Apple and Copper Bowl" 5 x 7 Oil on Gessobord

My painting is featured today on the front page of the "An Apple a Day" project by Michel Oosterhout.
Tomorrow my painting will only be seen on "the apples" page.  Michel started the blog as a 365 apples (one per day) project and there are some very familiar names from the daily painting artists.

It's fun to see all the different interpretations of the classic apple.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Almost Time and Missing Glitter

"Almost Time!" 4 x 4 Oil on Gessoed Panel
Sold - Thanks Rebecca!
Summer has come and gone and we are now barreling towards Christmas.  Thought it would be fun to try my hand at the ever-ubiquitous red Christmas tree ornament.   I had to leave the gold glitter off, it took me most of the morning to get the ellipse right on the hanger.  Go figure!  I just ran out of time.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Painted Pear, Pear Soup and an Interview

"Leaning" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord
I haven't painted since Monday and I LOVE pears, so today I got back in the groove by painting an old standby and friend...the pear.  My studio mate, June, brought in killer pumpkin soup last week for lunch, and today it was pear and parsnip soup....also killer!

Awhile back I did an interview for Creative Catalyst Productions and today I got notice it was posted and live.  Click here to read the interview.  I was very pleased with how it turned out.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Think of Me in June

Colored Pencil Magazine's 2012 Calendar
I woke up to really good news this morning.  My "Strawberry on a Plate" is featured in Ann Kullberg's new Colored Pencil Magazine 2012 Calender. I am officially now "Ms. June of 2012".  So exciting!

It was worth all the frustration I felt trying to finish that painting.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Threesome and the Universe

"Threesome" 4 x 6" Oil on Canvas Panel
Click Here to Purchase Painting
My granddaughter, Emma, loves strawberries and comes to play with Grandpa on Tuesdays.  So we always have strawberries in the house on Monday.  These babies are pretty good sized!

After our painting session this morning June and I took down our exhibit at the LAC Art Center in Lakewood, and as I was packing up I sold two paintings.  First thing this morning we had to pay our rent at the studio, and the sales of the two paintings were exactly the amount of the rent.  How serendipitous!  Funny how the universe works.  I like my brand of physics.

Happy Halloween!  And don't eat too much candy

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Autumn Galas 5 x 7 Daily Oil Painting

"Autumn Galas" 5 x 7 Oil on Gessobord
Gala apples are my favorite! Sweet but tangy and crunchy.

I seemed to be yawning alot today.  Maybe it had to do with our trick or treat adventure last night.  We accompanied our son and family to Old Town Arvada for visiting the local shops for "treats", and viewing costumes on little ones and adults alike.  Our little one was dressed up as a ballerina/princess.  She wouldn't wear her tiara (smart girl) so Daddy wore it over his stocking hat.  Got lots of giggles from passers-by.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Cold Hands and Breaker Switches

"Pear in Blue Cup" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord

This painting almost didn't happen today except for the tenacity somewhere in my bones.  We had no heat in the studio and it was below freezing last night.  And the space heater we used last year keeps tripping the circuit breaker and we end up with no electricity.

The landlord did come around and ask "How's the heat?"   We just said "What heat?"  The thermostat for our unit (#1) is located in another unit (#4).  That unit is being renovated for the reflexology tenant moving in next week.  We used to be able to go in and adjust the heat, but since it is now rented...that's a no-no.  Guess we'll be knocking on the reflexology lady's door next time we need heat!

Going to Old Town Arvada tonight to trick-or-treat with Emma.  Guess I'll be freezing tonight too!

Monday, October 24, 2011

"In Honor Of" 4 x 4 oil on Gessobord
Haven't painted an apple since Steve Jobs "In Honor Of" a quirky personality and a brilliant mind..

Yes, it's true, Denver is preparing for 6-10" of snow on Wednesday.  Go's 80 degrees today.  One of the things we did to prepare is to get the fireplace cleaned and ready for the first logs.  Thanks Hubby!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Floating and Displaying Small Oil Paintings

7 x 7" frame from Art City Frames on Etsy
Click Here to View Listing for this Frame

Table Top Easel with a 5 x 5" painting
Click Here to View Listing for this Easel

This method of "floating a painting" is easy.
Floater Frames
"Floating" paintings within the frame opening is very practical and popular these days.  You can buy a specifically cut "Floater Frames" like these from King of Frames in CA.  They are still considered, for example, a 6 x 6" frame for a 6 x 6" painting.  However,they are cut to allow for the 6 x 6 panel to slip right into the front.

I order my frames from Art City Frames, because shipping is free and if I order in bulk the owner gives me a discount. For a 6 x 6" painting, I order one inch bigger frame.  As an example if I am framing a 4 x 4" painting, I order a 5 x 5" frame. This will give about a 1/4" space all around the painting. Instead of the cardboard backing that Linda (the owner) usually includes, I ask her to replace the cardboard with a black foam core panel, and to skip the usual plexiglas.  I use double sided tape to adhere the painting right to the black foam core panel.

The practical side of "floating paintings" when they are small is that you don't lose any of the painting surface to the lip of the frame.  This allows an artist to use the whole surface of the panel for their composition. 

Hope this has helped answer some questions about how to frame small works for the biggest impact.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fall Crock 5 x 5 and Pumpkin Soup

"Fall Crock" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord

Picked up this little crock at the ARC (thrift) store, or maybe it's a sugar bowl...but I loved the color.  I especially loved the color under the warm light.  The colors and the mood remind me of fall.

Another beautiful fall day at the studio in Golden, and even better, June brought homemade pumpkin soup for lunch which was to die for.  Sweet and tangy.  Thanks JunieB.

Life is soooo good.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

White Pitcher on Purple..a Golden Day!

"White Pitcher on Purple" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase
The fall colors were just wonderful today, everything has an amber glow to it.  Threw open the blinds in the studio, put some Lorena McKennitt on the CD player and had a go at the new little pitcher my hubby bought me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Vintage Teacup 5 x 7 Oil

"Vintage Teacup" 5 x 7 Oil on gessoed canvas panel

Rainy day in Golden and cold!  You have to paint fast to stay warm!!! 

I always find symmetrical objects hard to this was painted upside down from a photograph for the most part. 

I've also been experimenting with Raymar Canvas panels.  I don't like the feel of painting on canvas, so I used acrylic gesso over the canvas panel and I really like the textured look.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Punkin Season and Fleetwood Mac

"Punkin Season" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord
Click Here to Purchase Painting
Today was a pumpkin painting day and the music was from Fleetwood Mac's "The Dance".  My favorite song is "Landslide".....and "I'm getting older too."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mini Orange and White (Pumpkins, that is)

"Mini Orange and White" 5 x 7 Oil on Gessobord
Haven't painted since last Wednesday.  Although it felt great to have a few days to just relax and do nothing, I have to say it felt wonderful to be back at the studio painting today.

I have a new DVD I have been studying by Jean Chambers.  I'm sure I will be influence by watching the video just not sure how exactly yet.  I am always looking for color combinations for rich darks.  I learned about Transparent Red Oxide and Ultramarine Blue from Daniel Keys, and from Jean Chambers I have learned about Veridian (Green) and Alizarin Crimson. The latter combo has been used in the background here.  I must admit I love the color.

This daily painting is actually a study for a larger piece with greenery in the mid-ground.  I used acrylic gesso on some canvas boards I had lying around, as I noticed Jean Chambers paints on a textured white surface.  I will be doing the larger study of these pumpkins on the textured surface.