I've never been one for New Year's resolutions, and I had enough of goals and objectives when I was in my corporate career than I care to remember.
But a "word" for the year...hmmmm....
I belong to a couple of online forums and one of the discussions was "What is your word for the year?" The poster's word was "Focus", another poster was "Faith", another "Growth". I started thinking....hmmm....
I've decided on my word, LIVE! It seems since my Dad passed away in 2005, my son got sick in early 2007, and I turned 60 last August mostly I've thought about death. I don't mean in a morbid sense, but my thoughts have been focused on holding on, reminding myself to breath, the time that's left, not rocking the boat.
So it's going to take some different thinking to LIVE!
What's your word? Do you want to share it here? I would love to hear why you picked the word, but don't tell me what you plan to do. I hate when I have to think about being spontaneous....my husband is one of those that says, "I don't mind being spontaneous if you give me a little notice ahead of time." AAAAAGGHHHHH!
Towards the end of each month I'll post what things I think qualify for fulfilling my "word", and ask how you are doing.
I've been asking people I run into today...so far only my friends at Starbucks ;-)...the youngest of the women who is single said "Love", the young mother with two kids said "Sleep", how age appropriate it seems our words can be.
This little ballerina knows how to LIVE! No guilt, no fear of what people think. Only fun, food, learning, love and hugs....and pooping....are on her radar screen.
Do you even sometimes get so sidetracked in life you forget to poop?