Friday, November 4, 2011

Painted Pear, Pear Soup and an Interview

"Leaning" 5 x 5 Oil on Gessobord
I haven't painted since Monday and I LOVE pears, so today I got back in the groove by painting an old standby and friend...the pear.  My studio mate, June, brought in killer pumpkin soup last week for lunch, and today it was pear and parsnip soup....also killer!

Awhile back I did an interview for Creative Catalyst Productions and today I got notice it was posted and live.  Click here to read the interview.  I was very pleased with how it turned out.


Deborah Younglao, Silk Painter said...

Great job on the edges in the pear, Cindy. And congrats on the interview!

Mike Menius said...

This painting looks similar to the one I bought. The recent one is in a looser style, with softer edges and more high light in the left foreground.

Unknown said...

Thanks Deborah!

Hi Mike, yes, same reference, different size, different brushstrokes, less purple, less cad yellow.

I painted yours back in June, and I often like to repaint some of my favorites and see how my painting technique has changed.