Thursday, August 5, 2010

Number 17

"Number 17" 6 x 8" Pastel on Paper

After a week in Santa Clara, it was tough getting back to painting in the studio. I was exhausted and had more things on my plate than I had when I left. I swear whenever you go away the work doesn't pile up at a normal rate, it piles up exponentially.

So the goal here was just to paint, get those NuPastels moving and start getting my "hand" back. That's the lovely thing about this 100 Project is that when you don't know what to do, you paint the next number in line. Takes a lot of the procrastination out of painting. This is not a particularly interesting or good piece, but you learn to let go of the results and just paint.

Happy Painting to you! Whatever you do, make a mark on the paper today......

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