Friday, June 26, 2009

Cool Light, Warm Shadows..White Pitcher

Work in Progress "White Pitcher, Red Apple" 9 x 12 Nupastels on Colorfix sanded paper

I started this today, set up the still life in my black box with all the shades drawn. I'm using an Ott light to cast shadows which is a much cooler light than the incandescent bulb I most often use for still life.

Since I've been studying Light and Shadow painting with Deb Bays, I've used the incandescent lighting which makes the highlights and lights very warm and the shadows cooler. With this set-up the lights and highlights will be cool with the shadows being relatively warmer.

I always begin with establishing the structure of my darks, most times in cool dark values plus black. With this setup I am laid in my dark structure with the warm dark browns, and black. There is alot of green bouncing around in this set-up so I will probably add some Hunter Green to the shadow mix.

This is just the beginning layers, and I have already noticed that I need to get darker on my background a bit. It's still in the light but it needs a bit more value. With values, as most of you know, change one value you most likely have to change most of them. It's like a giant puzzle.

While I'm a very creative person, my art...colored pencil and all very methodical for me. Figuring out the dark shapes, attempting to have it be a pleasing abstract form even though its realism. It's a mental process for me almost which makes me very happy!

I will keep you posted on the progress!

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