Friday, March 25, 2011

Diner Cup and Strawberries

"Diner Cup and Strawberries" 6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord

I'll bet this coffee cup that looks like it's from a 50's diner has many stories to tell. I bought it at the Antique Mall a couple of weeks ago. It's not valuable but it does have that nostalgic feeling that I love. Maybe somewhere along Route 66 there was a diner called "Blanche's All Nighter" and this coffee cup served stale coffee at 3am in the morning to someone famous. Maybe Paul Newman's lips touched this cup!!!!

I bought a new Kindle and it arrived yesterday. I bought several art related books, one of them is Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland. The other book I bought is just a little gem, The Artist's Tao-44 Principles for an Artist's Life by Sean Starr. I would like to share principal number eleven with you. This is meaningful to me as I was witness to some pretty hurtful behavior yesterday in art cyberspace. Not directed at me but at another artist who I enjoy. Not that the topic wasn't pertinent, it was....the possibility of plagerisim. It was the manner in which it called an individual artist out. Enough said.


Your artistic voice is not exclusive. There are others working on the exact same thing as you are right now.
We are connected as one organism across the globe.
Look at your work as a contribution, not an authority."

Thank you Sean Starr and The Artist's Tao, you made my day!

1 comment:

Mary Rogers said...

Thanks for that quote. I often feel like..."man, why didn't I think of that!"..when I see someone's new work that I love.