Monday, March 2, 2009

Pastel Class on 2-28

Well, my mind is other places the stock market and maybe having to find a job that pays more regularly than artwork and teaching. Ugh...

To occupy my worried mind, I would like to share my work in pastel class on Saturday. Up to this point I have been using very soft pastels, like Ludwigs, and have had some problems with too much pastel being laid down on the paper. I end up with little bumps of pastel especially in my light colors (white, yellow, bright red).

Deb recommended I try a harder pastel, like NuPastel. On this piece I am taking her advice and will try to do the whole thing with hard pastels and a more textured look so the different layers of color show through and are not obliterated by the top layer. I'm sure I will learn the best use of the really soft buttery ones as I keep learning and practicing.

While my colored pencil work is usually not this textured, it does make it easier to think of the application of color and how I would apply it in layers ala colored pencil. Keep in mind this is just the first layers. I have a few more layers on the background. I'm debating over whether to have some of the wrinkles and folds of the cloth in the background be in the painting.

I feel like I am showing all my warts and faults with this post, but if it helps someone else see the process of struggling with a new medium, new concept...then it's worth it.

The onion is not the focus of the painting but with that bright orange color right now it looks like it. The focus will be the cobalt blue bottle...I hope ;-)

A close up for a really good look at the warts!


1 comment:

Karen Hargett said...

Cindy I always love your paintings - and especially enjoy the WIPs. I personally don't see any warts ;-)

I use mostly Rembrandts and Conte pastels on velour so seeing something new (to me) is great.