Thursday, January 13, 2011

Apple with Stripes - Daily Painting

"Apple with Stripes" 5 x 7" oil on canvas gatorboard

Well, my "fruit purchaser" (AKA Hubby) brought home some apples from work yesterday. (He would have made a good hunter/gatherer!) These apples were nice and dark red. So by themselves they were a little bland to paint. So I drug out the never-used Target striped tablecloth and thought the colors went nicely together. The hardest part of this painting to paint was the jug in the back left. I must have wiped it out and repainted at least 4 times.

June and I took a trip to the coffee shop in downtown Golden and found out we were on the schedule to have an exhibit in May. I may have to start painting two or three of these a day, or hold back from selling them online. Online is so much easier because I don't frame them...for an exhibit I probably should put on a nice frame (equates to $$).

Welcome to my new followers! I appreciate your interest in my artwork and my ramblings.

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